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The Healing Ring of Tantra: New Moon in Leo with Sarah Hummel

We feed off of the dynamic & stimulating energy we get in connecting with other people, especially during potent lunar phases of transformation.  The intimacy we create with others helps us see the world with refreshed eyes.  A new perspective gives us a chance to interact with the world in a brand new way, with endless possibility.   

The Healing Ring of Tantra is a meditation used to generate and direct tremendous healing energy towards any person: a member of the circle, someone at a far distance, or someone located in the center of the circle.  We surround ourselves and those around us with Golden healing light to uncover natural paths of wellness and strength.  The power of positivity then becomes a reality.  You will no doubt experience an opening of the heart, a healing of what pains you and have the opportunity to share that magical gift with anyone else in the world. This meditation will connect you to the innate healer within and give you tools to create massive change around you.

$25 in advance or $30 Self Care Investment day of. Sign up HERE!