
  • Masters in the Art of Teaching, K-12 ESL and Spanish, JMU
  • 250hr Vinyasa Yoga
  • Yin, Restorative, Prenatal, Mommy+Me, Kids, and Teens
  • Studied with Corina Benner and Jillian Pransky

As a yoga student, I practice slow-it-down, find-your-edge, feel-good movement and breath.

Strength, flexibility, balance, and ease.

This is what I teach.

My intention is to empower you to stay curious about your mind-body-spirit connection and discover ways to infuse yoga throughout your day.

Off the mat, the early bird in me enjoys slow, sweet mornings, 60’s music, and afternoon hammock naps.

The night owl in me is a crafty inventor and budding seamstress.

Yo hablo español.