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Confident & Prepared Birth with Elizabeth Varaso

At MWJ we offer a comprehensive pregnancy, birth and postpartum series that consists of THREE different classes for you to choose from. Take all 3 in our Childbirth Education Intensive.

This series serves as your trusted guide from your 1st trimester all the way through your 4th trimester. From your your earliest questions about a healthy pregnancy, continuing on as you prepare for labor and birth, all the way through postpartum wellness, breastfeeding and basic newborn care, each class in this series is designed to give you exactly the information and tools you need, just as you need them.

It's recommended to take the Class One - Positively Pregnant before 20 weeks of pregnancy; Class Two - Confident & Prepared Birth between 20 and 35 weeks of pregnancy; and Class Three - Postpartum Wellness, Breastfeeding & Newborn Care between weeks 30 and 37 of your pregnancy.

Confident & Prepared Birth Class

Offered as a one-day class on a weekend, this class covers all that you need to know from the very first signs of labor until the birth of your baby. You'll know how to recognize the stages & phases of labor as well as what to do during each. You'll understand routine and special-case medical interventions, your rights as an informed decision-maker and how to communicate your preferences to your care team. You'll learn and practice all of the most helpful comfort tools for labor including breathing techniques, positioning, massage and practical tips so brilliant you'll feel like a pro going into birth.

Self Care Investment: $225

Sign Up HERE

*(receive $25 off this class if you have already taken the Positively Pregnant class)